Living in today’s always-on society, anxiety is inevitable from time to time. While crystals for anxiety are no substitute for professional mental health care, they can help ease the everyday tension that goes hand-in-hand with being a human in the 21st century. Whether you’re wanting to shake off a stressful day of work, or quiet your nerves about a conversation you’re dreading, the best crystals for anxiety offer grounding energy to support you through tough times.

There’s nothing new about seeking out amethyst’s grounding abilities. The popular purple stone is one of the oldest used by mankind, making appearances in ancient Greek mythology. Today, amethyst’s calming capabilities can be used to ease anxiety when your boss schedules a last-minute meeting. “It’s great for helping curb anxiety-driven thoughts, as amethyst is known to bring forth the clarity of the mind,” says Christal Medina, a reiki master and crystal specialist at Modrn Sanctuary, a New York City-based wellness spa. Ovsepian agrees that it’s the best crystal for anxiety, especially if you’re feeling uncertain about an upcoming decision — for instance, whether to put in an offer on your dream house, or end the friendship that’s turned toxic. “Amethyst can purify the crown chakra, creating a sense of peace and clarity, and ward off negative energies of self-doubt,” she says.
How to use it: Wear an amethyst in jewelry form to soak up anxious energy. The stone will release its calming vibrations directly into your body, easing any jitters.

is the crystal equivalent of “good vibes only.” Its sunny energy evicts negative, stressful, and anxious feelings, leaving a dose of sunshine in its wake. “It’s often referred to as ‘Superman’s kryptonite,’ as it amplifies positive energy,” says Medina. If you’re feeling nervous about making big (or small) life decisions, citrine will set your emotions back in balance and give you the confidence to know you’re on the right track.
How to use it: Keep a citrine crystal in your home to radiate a warm, no-anxiety-welcome atmosphere for both you and guests. Whenever you need to replace nerves with positivity while out and about, slip a citrine stone in your pocket.
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